

Do I need a website if I already have a Facebook Page?

Many of you might be asking yourselves the same question on why do you need a website when a Facebook Page is for free? And yes, social media particularly Facebook offers business owners phenomenal opportunities to interact with new and existing customers, but is a Facebook Page really […]

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What are the Most Common Mistakes?

Before beginning your custom software development project, it’s imperative that you know and understand the most common mistakes made in the development process. By becoming familiar with these mistakes before the initiation of the project, you will be better able to avoid making the same ones […]

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What is the Goal Associated with the End Product?

Once you know and understand the common mistakes that others have made when developing software, you’ll be better equipped to avoid making the same ones. The first step to achieving success in this endeavour is to outline a goal for your end product […]

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What Problem will be Solved by the Software?

When developing custom software, it’s good practice to think about what problem your software program aims to solve. While this can seem rather basic, it’s a question and consideration that’s often overlooked by product development […]

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What Features Are Most Important to the Target Audience?

Once you’ve established what problem you’re hoping to solve for your target audience, it’s critical to determine which features would be most important to that audience. To deliver a viable custom software program to your clients, you must gain an understanding of the end user's unique […]

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What Are the Phases of Custom Software Development?

For a successful software development project, it’s imperative to be familiar with the phases associated with the project. This will help you in guiding your team to successful completion […]

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What do I Need to Know about the Software Development Method?

When creating custom software, you should learn as much as possible about the software development method. Essentially, this method is the process model, the guidelines associated with development, and the development of the systems designed to run the software […]

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What are the Life Cycle Models of Software Development?

There are numerous life cycle models that may be utilized during software development. These include the waterfall model, the rapid application development, joint application development, prototyping model, the synchronize and stabilize model […]

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What is the Most Appropriate Programming Language for my Custom Software Project?

There are various programming languages that may be utilised in software development. These include Perl, Visual Basic, Java, C++, Python, Tcl, and C. You must research all languages and their role as it pertains to the functionality […]

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What Types of Technologies will be Utilised?

Naturally, when creating custom software, you will use a variety of technologies. The most important factors to consider when opting for certain types of technologies are the types of code used […]

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What Types of Professionals Will I Need on my Software Development Team?

Finally, you must consider the type of expertise that will be needed to successfully create your custom software. You should consider the experience of your developers, the code that will be used, and the capabilities of each member of your team […]

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